Tag: lgbtq
How to Burn Down the Locker Room and Why
Is the locker room a safe space for men to speak what they truly think? Does the locker room exist wherever two or men are gathered together? Is it necessary to challenge the locker room? How do we do it? Defining the Locker Room Locker Room Talk is not in the dictionary, but it is…
Gen X Conditional Love Trap
One night I received a phone call from a woman I’ve known since we were teens. Her child had recently came out trans. She told me that her child was in a local hospital for a suicide attempt. I pulled my car over and collected my breath as I asked her how she was and…
Unveiling the Queer Coding in Miami Vice: A Perspective
Did the 80’s TV show Miami Vice change television as we know it? Was Miami Vice pushing the envelope on many topics? Is there an episode (arguably one of the best according to fans) that is not available on streaming? Did this banned episode have queer coding laced through the episode? Is it possible that…
Freddie Mercury’s Love in Contrast With Christian Hate
Freddie Mercury and Queen helped me see the contrast of the ugly side of the church and the beauty of art. My queer child and I saw the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” together on New Year’s Eve of 2018. The theater was packed. One of the movie’s key moments was the 1985 Wembley Stadium performance of…
David Bowie Showed Us How to Be Heroes
To make David Bowie to be a saint or a sinner is to not understand that life exists in the nuance of neither. There are important messages in his art, but also his life. In many ways, Bowie has served as an example of acceptance, intersection, and living life on your terms. As a parent,…
Recent Posts
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Thank you for the hope. As I was reading the piece, I was reminded of the lyric "kick at the…
This was absolutely worth reading! Thank you!! We the people do have the power to change shit!! IF... we don't…