Tag: jeremy ritch
Queering The Lens Of History To Understand Our Present Chaos
The transphobic and homophobic nature of some Christians led to them judging everything they saw through those lenses. To argue with that perception is to argue with a wall that has been fortified through years of reenforced conservative building blocks.
Christian Nationalism and the Great Manipulation
The manipulation, indoctrination and unethical way that Evangelicals gripped my generation has spiraled into the current state of American political right—especially the MAGA crowd. Generation X were coming of age in the late 70’s-the early 90’s, just the American Evangelical movement was also weaving its way into national politics and attempting to find a hold…
A Myth Grew Out Of Gen X: The Alpha Male
The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature, at least partly because of my book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species,” written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and in print until 2022. Although most of the book’s info is still accurate,…
Nostalgia in a Modern World: Embracing Meaning
“The Greek word for “return” is nostos. Algos means “suffering.” So, nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.”― Milan Kundera, Ignorance Gen X tends to fall into a trap of judgmental attitudes towards other generations too often. We exaggerate our upbringings as these overly independent coming of age stories that are…
I’m here, I’m Queer, and I’m Still Figuring It Out
The Intro My understanding of Queer culture and PRIDE came gradually as I grew up in the Midwest. I was not heavily exposed to LGBTQ culture as a kid on the southeast side of Cleveland. The diversity I experienced most was Black culture in my neighborhood and Indian culture due to my best friend. I…
Under The Radar: Shawan Rice
Susquehanna Soul I first encountered Rice’s music at a festival along Harrisburg’s Susquehanna River waterfront. At the time she was playing with a band under Shawan & The Wonton. I was just sipping a coffee in a folding chair, enjoy the shade of a hot Memorial Day weekend. The music began and I perked up.…
My Love Letter To Hip Hop
The Intro My family moved to the Cleveland area in 1983 and having moved into a racially mixed area on the southeast side I became aware of hip hop culture by my pre-teens. Our neighborhood was around the corner from Cleveland proper. It was a place full of young families, many were Black, that were…
Under The Radar: I Am Snow Angel
THE BOSS BROUGHT US TOGETHER “I ultimately found artistic satisfaction when I began producing my own music and created “I Am Snow Angel”, which has a much more electronic vibe than my previous work.” I discovered I Am Snow Angel in 2015 when I heard her cover of Bruce Springsteen’s 1984 hit “I’m On Fire.”…
St Patrick’s Day and the Music of Revolution
By Jeremy Ritch My official title with Gen X Watch is culture and music editor. So that is my focus, of course, but in those areas, the often-uncomfortable space of social and politics collide. With St. Patrick’s Day being upon us, I wanted to write about such a collision as an activist and a person…
Recent Posts
- Hearts of Glass Living in the Real World
- The Beauty and Horror of Groundhog Day!
- Happy Anniversary Gen X Watch! And Top 3!
- The More You Know And Schoolhouse Rock
- Prepare to be Assimilated! Resistance is Futile!
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Thank you for the hope. As I was reading the piece, I was reminded of the lyric "kick at the…
This was absolutely worth reading! Thank you!! We the people do have the power to change shit!! IF... we don't…