Tag: madonna
Unapologetic: Navigating Life As An Inspirational Madonna Fan
Has Madonna faced undue criticism her entire life? Did being unapologetic about herself inspire her fans? Would an inspired fan become unapologetic and inspire others? If we are talking about Madonna and Heather, the answer is yes! Ray of Light Fem Friday articles are the most popular at Gen X Watch. One of the most…
The Soundtrack of Your Life in a Walkman
Did a man make a wholly unimpressive device just to listen to his tunes on a plane? Did the lack of features worry engineers? Were Sony executives concerned about social isolation? Did the world change and did we all want one? In the matter of the Walkman, yes. Making Plane Trips Tolerable and Accidental Revolutions…
Women’s History Month Made in the 80’s
Could women’s history exist in the decade of decadence? In the midst of the decade of Reagan could women’s issues advance? Does this matter today? Yes. The 1970’s In our Cyndi Lauper article, I said the following about being a woman in the 1970’s. “According to an article in Ms Magazine in 2013 there were many things…
Let’s Go Back to the Mall for a Better World!
Do Gen X and Gen Z long to return to the mall? Does the mall give a sense of space that is important to a civil society, democracy and engagement? Was I a mallrat? Hell yes! Fox Valley Mall Though I live near quite a few indoor malls, Fox Valley mall was my home away…
When Material Girls Make a Rule
Is Madonna a gay icon? Did she express sexuality on her terms? Do these things matter? And did a young man find himself on the Borderline of allyship as he made a new friend? Yes. The Queen of Pop Pushing The Lines Madonna does not need an introduction. She came into the 80s with a…
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Thank you for the hope. As I was reading the piece, I was reminded of the lyric "kick at the…
This was absolutely worth reading! Thank you!! We the people do have the power to change shit!! IF... we don't…