Welcome to 2025 and the one year anniversary of Gen X Watch! When we started this we had no idea if we would renew the website. In all but two months last year we experienced growth every month. This month was no exception. We grew in readership another 3%! Clicks are down the exact same number. Knowing there are more people reading, though? That is wondrous.
None of this would mean anything without you. You are the ones who read, share, comment, and make this possible!
Even the negative comments can be a positive! Someone contacted me in regard to yesterday’s article on resistance and change during political times. He started off with insults. Told me I am woke and a joke and should just accept the current administration. I told him the things that the last administration did that I resisted and wrote letters about him and he was a little surprised. He told me so.
I reminded him in the article that I did point out Obama’s failure to codify Roe was contained in the story and that the tools listed and techniques to be a citizen are available to him as well and informed him that I miss the days where we could disagree in the public square and still share the third spaces but that only happens when we stop reacting on social media and trying to own each other through vapid memes.
I invited him to write a counterpoint to my article if he wanted. News agencies used to have to allow counterpoints to actually be fair and balanced until President Reagan ended that era through executive order and new laws. I told him I would even pay him as I do other columnists. He said no. I asked why. He was afraid of negative comments from people and his friends seeing him collaborating.
“You mean like the message you sent me with insults? The insults I did not give back to you?”
He is one of our new readers and we will be continuing our conversation via vid chat next week. It may even become an article. We both have some points we are going to prepare for and the conversation has to happen without insults and name calling. But we can challenge assertions and sources. It is not a debate, though there will be disagreement. I can assure you we are not smoking a joint at the campfire, but we are going to be civil even if it gives us both a stroke.
Coming Soon!
In Feburary you can expect some different content in Gen X Watch! We will be co launching a crowd funding campaign for the upcoming YA Book series and breaking down some songs and movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90’s that have something to say about today. Next Monday will be a shockingly accurate and insightful song by Blondie that is particularly prophetic in our technological landscape and how it related to the drive to AI.
We hope you enjoy reflection as we look forward and be part of bringing stories to people who do not have access to stories.
But for now, let’s talk about the top three articles this month! In the middle of it is a fascinating surprise!
Your Top 3 Articles for January
#3 Charlie Brown!
Charlie Brown stresses but does not fail was a bittersweet article. It was a reminder to all of us that it is okay to get stressed out and that the best any of us can do may not be what others expect of us. It is okay to be proud of yourself and take some time to enjoy life when there are pressures upon you!
#2 Uncle Rico Makes a Comeback
In August of last year I wrote an article about unhealthy nostalgia. That moment you cannot let go of that you stay in and refuse to move forward. How it can poison your life and hinder you. I used Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite as the example. It’s initial response was lackluster. For whatever reason it was rediscovered and shared en masse to become a very strong #2 for the month of January and is still finding a new audience.
Apparently we still need to to talk about Uncle Rico.
#1 When God’s Fall
This was about Neil Gaiman, but not about Neil Gaiman.
What do we do when people we admire do something horrible or reprehensible? How do we protect ourselves from doing the same things? This was an important conversation and one that is not just about celebrities, but about our own accountability to do no harm or violate stated principals. It was important enough for this to become your number one article. It was not even close to the rest and may find itself into the all time top ten at the rate of growth it is having.
See you next month!
Stay totally awesome!
Stay true to you!
One More thing! Please Help!
Please consider supporting us! If just 2% of you reading this help out, it could make all the difference. Please be the 2% that supports this, Fem Friday, and brings the upcoming YA series with important themes for girls and women to life!
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Thank you for your support and taking the time to read everything!
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